Science in ancient Mesopotamia#

%%ai vioras
how about the science in ancient mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia, often referred to as the cradle of civilization, made significant contributions to various fields of science including astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and engineering. The Mesopotamians’ scientific accomplishments were often interwoven with their religious and philosophical beliefs.

Astronomy: The Mesopotamians were keen observers of the heavens. They created the concept of the zodiac and developed a lunar calendar, which was later refined into a solar-lunar calendar. They also made early observations of planets and celestial bodies and could predict lunar and solar eclipses.

Mathematics: Mesopotamians developed one of the earliest known writing systems, cuneiform, which was used to record mathematical computations. They used a sexagesimal (base-60) number system, which is the reason we have 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle. They also knew basic geometry and could calculate areas and volumes.

Medicine: Ancient Mesopotamian physicians had an understanding of many diseases and injuries, and they used a combination of empirical observation and spiritual rituals to treat them. They had a rudimentary understanding of anatomy, often gained from treating wounds sustained in battles or accidents.

Engineering: Mesopotamian engineering accomplishments are evident in their construction of cities, canals, ziggurats (large stepped towers), and walls. They had a basic understanding of hydraulics, which they utilized in the creation of irrigation systems for agriculture.

It’s important to remember that while the scientific knowledge of the Mesopotamians may seem basic by today’s standards, they laid the groundwork for later scientific advancements in the Greek and Roman civilizations, and ultimately for modern Western science.

%%ai vioras


天文学: メソポタミア人は空を観察することに熱心でした。彼らは黄道帯の概念を生み出し、月暦を開発しました。これは後に太陽-月暦に洗練されました。また、彼らは惑星や天体の初期の観察を行い、月食と日食を予測することができました。

数学: メソポタミア人は最初期の書記体系の一つ、楔形文字を開発し、これを使って数学的な計算を記録しました。彼らは60進法の数値システムを使用しました。これが私たちが1時間に60分、円に360度を持つ理由です。彼らは基本的な幾何学を理解しており、面積と体積を計算することができました。

医学: 古代メソポタミアの医師は多くの病気や傷について理解しており、それらを治療するために実証主義的な観察と精神的な儀式を組み合わせて使っていました。彼らは解剖学についての基本的な理解を持っていて、これはしばしば戦闘や事故で受けた傷を治療することから得られました。

工学: メソポタミアの工学的な業績は、都市、運河、ジグラット(大きな段々の塔)、壁の建設に明らかです。彼らは水力学の基本的な理解を持っており、これを農業のための灌漑システムの作成に利用しました。


%%ai vioras
and especially mathematics, in english

Ancient Mesopotamia was particularly influential in the field of mathematics. Here are some key points about their contributions:

Number system: The Mesopotamians used a sexagesimal (base-60) number system, a system that is partially still in use today. For example, we still divide an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds. We also use 360 degrees to represent the full rotation in a circle, which is a direct adoption from their system.

Symbols and Notation: The Mesopotamians developed cuneiform script, one of the earliest known forms of written expression. This was used to record mathematical notation. They had symbols for 1 and 10. They could express large numbers by combining these symbols, and they used a space to represent zero.

Geometry and Measurement: The Mesopotamians had a basic understanding of geometry. They were able to calculate the areas of rectangles, triangles, and trapezoids, and the volumes of simple shapes like cylinders. They also had a system of weights and measures, which they used for trade, construction, and land division.

Algebraic Thought: There is evidence that Mesopotamians had a grasp of some algebraic concepts. They could solve simple quadratic and cubic equations, and even had an understanding of Pythagorean triples (sets of three integers a, b, and c, such that $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$), well before Pythagoras himself.

Practical Applications: Mesopotamian mathematics was heavily oriented towards practical applications, such as commerce, land measurement, and architectural design. For instance, they used their mathematical knowledge in the construction of their cities and ziggurats, in managing irrigation, and in the precise keeping of time.

In many ways, the mathematical achievements of the ancient Mesopotamians formed the foundation for later developments in the mathematical sciences.

%%ai vioras
in japanese


数値システム: メソポタミア人は、60進法と呼ばれる数値システムを使用しました。このシステムは今日でも部分的に使われています。例えば、私たちは1時間を60分に、1分を60秒に分けます。また、円の完全な回転を360度で表現します。これは彼らのシステムから直接採用したものです。

記号と表記法: メソポタミア人は楔形文字と呼ばれる最初期の書記体系を開発しました。これは数学的表記を記録するために使われました。彼らは1と10の記号を持っていました。これらの記号を組み合わせて大きな数を表現することができ、ゼロを表現するために空白を使いました。

幾何学と測定: メソポタミア人は基本的な幾何学を理解していました。彼らは長方形、三角形、台形の面積と、シリンダーのような単純な形状の体積を計算することができました。また、彼らは貿易、建設、土地分割のための重量と測定のシステムを持っていました。

代数的思考: メソポタミア人は一部の代数的概念を理解していたという証拠があります。彼らは単純な二次方程式と三次方程式を解くことができ、ピタゴラス自身の前にピタゴラスの三つ組(三つの整数a、b、cが $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ を満たすようなもの)を理解していました。

実用的な応用: メソポタミアの数学は、商業、土地測定、建築設計などの実用的な応用に重点を置いていました。例えば、彼らは都市やジグラットの建設、灌漑の管理、時間の正確な管理に数学的知識を使いました。


%%ai vioras
about their artifacts like clay tablets, in english

Clay tablets were one of the primary forms of record-keeping and communication in ancient Mesopotamia. They were used for a wide variety of purposes, including legal documents, administrative records, letters, and literature, as well as scientific texts.

Here are some key details about Mesopotamian clay tablets:

Material and Process: The tablets were made from clay, which was abundant in the region. The wet clay would be shaped into a flat or slightly convex form, and then the cuneiform script would be inscribed on the tablet using a reed stylus. The tablet was then left to dry in the sun, or baked in a kiln to harden.

Cuneiform Script: The term ‘cuneiform’ comes from the Latin word ‘cuneus’, meaning ‘wedge’. This is because the script was composed of wedge-shaped marks made by the stylus. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known systems of writing and was initially used for Sumerian and Akkadian but was adapted for use with other languages, including Hittite and Urartian.

Content and Use: Clay tablets contain a wealth of information about Mesopotamian society. For example, some tablets from the city of Uruk (modern-day Iraq) contain administrative records of goods and labor. Tablets from the library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh (also in modern-day Iraq) contain a wide variety of texts, including the famous Epic of Gilgamesh. Additionally, many tablets contain mathematical computations and problems, providing valuable insight into the scientific knowledge of the Mesopotamians.

Preservation: Clay tablets have proven to be remarkably durable. Many have survived for thousands of years, often due to being baked hard when the building they were stored in was destroyed by fire. The dry climate of the region has also helped to preserve them.

These clay tablets provide a crucial window into the life, culture, and knowledge of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization.

%%ai vioras
in japanese



材料とプロセス: 粘土板は、その地域に豊富に存在する粘土から作られました。湿った粘土は平らまたはやや凸状の形に成形され、次に葦のペンで楔形文字が粘土板に刻まれました。粘土板はその後、太陽の下で乾燥させたり、窯で焼いて硬化させたりしました。

楔形文字: ‘cuneiform’という言葉は、ラテン語の’cuneus’(楔)から来ています。これは、その文字がペンで作られた楔形の印から成っているからです。楔形文字は最初期の書記体系の一つで、最初はシュメール語とアッカド語に使用されましたが、ヒッタイト語やウラルティア語など他の言語にも適応されました。

内容と使用: 粘土板にはメソポタミア社会についての豊富な情報が含まれています。例えば、ウルク市(現在のイラク)から出土した一部の粘土板には商品と労働の行政記録が記されています。ニネヴェのアッシュールバニパル王の図書館から出土した粘土板には、有名なギルガメシュ叙事詩を含む様々なテキストが含まれています。また、多くの粘土板には数学的な計算と問題が記されており、これらはメソポタミア人の科学的知識について貴重な洞察を提供しています。

保存: 粘土板は驚くほど耐久性があります。何千年もの間に生き残ったものが多く、これは多くの場合、保存されていた建物が火災で破壊されたときに硬く焼かれた結果です。また、その地域の乾燥した気候も保存に役立っています。


%%ai vioras
and their writing system cuneiform, in english

Cuneiform is one of the earliest known systems of writing and was developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3200–3000 BCE. Here are some important points about this writing system:

Form and Creation: The term “cuneiform” comes from the Latin word “cuneus,” which means “wedge.” This refers to the wedge-shaped marks made by a reed stylus that was pressed into soft clay tablets. Once the writing was complete, the tablets were dried or baked to preserve the text.

Language and Usage: Cuneiform was initially used for the Sumerian language and later adapted for use with Akkadian, which includes Babylonian and Assyrian. In its later stages, it was adapted for other languages as well, including Hittite and Urartian.

Content: Cuneiform was used to record a wide range of information, from administrative and economic data to literature and astronomical observations. Among the most famous cuneiform texts are the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Code of Hammurabi, one of the oldest known legal codes.

Decipherment: The decipherment of cuneiform began in the 19th century and was a significant accomplishment in the field of Assyriology. Key to this process was the Behistun Inscription in Iran, which features a royal proclamation inscribed in three languages: Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian (a form of Akkadian). By comparing these languages, scholars were able to begin deciphering the cuneiform script.

Preservation and Legacy: Many cuneiform tablets have survived due to the durability of baked clay. These tablets offer a valuable window into the ancient Mesopotamian world, providing information about its administration, economy, literature, and scientific understanding.

Cuneiform gradually fell out of use by the 1st century CE, supplanted by the Phoenician alphabet and its descendants. However, it remains an invaluable resource for understanding the ancient world and represents one of humanity’s earliest attempts at systematic written communication.

%%ai vioras
in japanese


形態と制作: 「cuneiform(楔形文字)」という言葉は、ラテン語の「cuneus」(楔)から来ています。これは、葦のペンで柔らかい粘土板に押し込んで作られる楔形の印を指しています。書き終わったら、粘土板を乾燥させたり焼いたりしてテキストを保存します。

言語と使用: 楔形文字は最初はシュメール語に使用され、後にアッカド語(バビロニア語とアッシリア語を含む)にも適応されました。その後の段階では、ヒッタイト語やウラルティア語など他の言語にも適応されました。

内容: 楔形文字は、行政や経済のデータから文学や天文観測まで、幅広い情報を記録するために使用されました。最も有名な楔形文字のテキストの中には、ギルガメシュ叙事詩や、最も古い法典の一つであるハンムラビ法典があります。

解読: 楔形文字の解読は19世紀に始まり、アッシリア学の分野での重要な成果となりました。このプロセスの鍵となったのは、イランのベヒストゥン碑文で、これは古代ペルシャ語、エラム語、バビロニア語(アッカド語の一形態)の3つの言語で刻まれた王の布告を特徴としています。学者たちはこれらの言語を比較することで、楔形文字の解読を開始することができました。

保存と遺産: 焼き固められた粘土の耐久性のために、多くの楔形文字の粘土板が保存されています。これらの粘土板は、その行政、経済、文学、科学的理解についての情報を提供する、古代メソポタミアの世界への貴重な窓となっています。


%%ai vioras
how about their numerical system, in english

The numerical system of ancient Mesopotamia, developed by the Sumerians, is one of the oldest known. It’s unique in that it was a sexagesimal system, or base-60 system, as opposed to the base-10 system commonly used today. Here are some details:

Base-60 System: The choice of 60 as the base may seem arbitrary, but it has certain mathematical advantages. For example, 60 is a highly composite number, meaning it has more divisors than any smaller number. This makes it highly versatile for calculations involving fractions.

Symbols: The Sumerians used two basic cuneiform signs in combination to represent numbers: a vertical wedge for “1” and a corner wedge (like a less than symbol “<”) for “10”. By combining these symbols, they could express numbers up to 59.

Place Value System: The Sumerians also used a place-value system, similar to the one we use in our decimal system, to represent larger numbers. However, their system was a little complex because it lacked a symbol for zero, which could sometimes lead to ambiguity.

Mathematical Applications: This numerical system was used for a wide range of applications, including commerce, land measurement, and architectural design. For example, the base-60 system is why we divide an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds. We also use 360 (60 x 6) degrees to represent the full rotation in a circle.

Legacy: While base-60 is no longer used as the primary numerical system in any culture today, its influence can still be seen in the way we measure time and angles, and in some aspects of mathematics and science, such as the division of degrees into minutes and seconds.

In many ways, the mathematical system of the ancient Mesopotamians formed the foundation for later developments in the mathematical and astronomical sciences.

%%ai vioras
in japanese


60進法: 60を基数とする選択は一見すると任意的に見えますが、数学的には特定の利点があります。例えば、60は高度に合成された数であり、それより小さい任意の数よりも多くの約数を持つという特性があります。これにより、分数を含む計算において非常に多様な応用が可能となります。

記号: シュメール人は2つの基本的な楔形文字の記号を組み合わせて数を表現しました:「1」を表すための垂直の楔と、「10」を表すための角楔(”<” のような形)。これらの記号を組み合わせることで、59までの数を表現することができました。

位取り記数法: シュメール人はまた、私たちが10進法で使用しているのと同様の位取り記数法を使用して大きな数を表現しました。ただし、彼らのシステムはゼロの記号が欠けていたため、やや複雑であり、時折曖昧さをもたらすことがありました。

数学的応用: この数値システムは、商業、土地測定、建築設計など、幅広い応用に使用されました。例えば、60進法のために、私たちは1時間を60分に、1分を60秒に分けます。また、円の完全な回転を360度(60 x 6)で表現します。

遺産: 60進法は現在、どの文化でも主要な数値システムとしては使用されていませんが、私たちが時間や角度を測定する方法、そして数学や科学の一部の側面、例えば度数を分と秒に分けることなどにその影響を見ることができます。


%%ai vioras
why ancient egyptian, greek and roman people did not use positional notation enven more older mesopotamian and offcourse recent people use it

The use of positional notation in a numerical system, like the one we use today, is a significant advancement in mathematical notation. It allows for the representation of any number using a set of basic symbols (0-9 in our decimal system) and positional values. However, this concept was not immediately obvious or universally adopted in early civilizations.

Ancient Egyptians had a decimal system, but it was not a positional system. They used different symbols to represent 1, 10, 100, 1000, and so on. For example, to represent the number 276, they would use two symbols for 100, seven symbols for 10, and six symbols for 1.

Ancient Greeks used an alphanumeric system, where the first nine letters of the Greek alphabet represented the numbers 1 to 9, the next nine letters represented multiples of 10, and the next nine represented multiples of 100. This system was not positional either.

Roman numerals are also non-positional and are based on certain symbols representing values. For example, I is 1, V is 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500 and M is 1000. Numbers are formed by combining these symbols but the position of the symbols doesn’t influence their value.

The positional notation system was first used by the ancient Babylonians, who were part of the broader Mesopotamian civilization. The concept was later rediscovered and refined in India, from where it was transmitted to the Islamic world, and finally to Europe.

The reasons why positional notation was not adopted by all ancient civilizations are complex and may include cultural, practical, and historical factors. It requires abstract thinking and the concept of zero, which was not present in all early numerical systems. In addition, non-positional systems like Roman numerals worked well for the purposes they were used for, like basic commerce and record keeping, and so there may not have been a perceived need for a more complex system.

%%ai vioras
in japanese







課題: Wikipediaの解説を元に妥当性を検討せよ#

%%ai vioras
would you please write down python function converting decimal numbers to greek and roman 

Sure, here are Python functions for converting decimal numbers to Roman and Greek numerals.

For Roman Numerals:

def int_to_roman(input):
    if not isinstance(input, type(1)):
        raise TypeError("expected integer, got %s" % type(input))
    if not 0 < input < 4000:
        raise ValueError("Argument must be between 1 and 3999")
    ints = (1000, 900,  500, 400, 100,  90, 50,  40, 10,  9,   5,  4,   1)
    nums = ('M',  'CM', 'D', 'CD','C', 'XC','L','XL','X','IX','V','IV','I')
    result = []
    for i in range(len(ints)):
        count = int(input // ints[i])
        result.append(nums[i] * count)
        input -= ints[i] * count
    return ''.join(result)

You can use this function like so:

print(int_to_roman(44))  # Outputs: XLIV

As for Greek numerals, the ancient Greeks used different systems at different times and there is no universally agreed upon system analogous to Roman numerals. The most common system, the acrophonic system, is not easily representable in a simple text form like Roman numerals because it used specific Greek words for certain values.

However, here’s a simple attempt at a function that uses Greek alphabets for numbers 1-9, 10-90 (in steps of 10), and 100-900 (in steps of 100), similar to the later Ionian or “alphabetical” system:

def int_to_greek(num):
    if not 1 <= num <= 900:
        raise ValueError("Argument must be between 1 and 900")
    ones = ['α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ϛ', 'ζ', 'η', 'θ']
    tens = ['ι', 'κ', 'λ', 'μ', 'ν', 'ξ', 'ο', 'π', 'ϟ']
    hundreds = ['ρ', 'σ', 'τ', 'υ', 'φ', 'χ', 'ψ', 'ω', 'ϡ']

    greek_num = ''
    h, num = divmod(num, 100)
    if h > 0:
        greek_num += hundreds[h-1]

    t, num = divmod(num, 10)
    if t > 0:
        greek_num += tens[t-1]

    if num > 0:
        greek_num += ones[num-1]

    return greek_num

You can use this function like so:

print(int_to_greek(44))  # Outputs: μδ

Please note that this is a simplified representation and might not accurately reflect the way the ancient Greeks would have written all numbers.

参考) 昨年の応答例#

would you please write down python function converting decimal numbers to greek and roman 

Certainly! Here are two Python functions that convert decimal numbers to Greek and Roman numerals:

# Function to convert decimal numbers to Greek numerals
def decimal_to_greek(num):
    greek_numerals = {
        1: 'α',
        2: 'β',
        3: 'γ',
        4: 'δ',
        5: 'ε',
        6: 'ϛ',
        7: 'ζ',
        8: 'η',
        9: 'θ',
        10: 'ι',
        20: 'κ',
        30: 'λ',
        40: 'μ',
        50: 'ν',
        60: 'ξ',
        70: 'ο',
        80: 'π',
        90: 'ϙ',
        100: 'ρ',
        200: 'σ',
        300: 'τ',
        400: 'υ',
        500: 'φ',
        600: 'χ',
        700: 'ψ',
        800: 'ω',
        900: 'ϡ'
    result = ''
    for value in sorted(greek_numerals.keys(), reverse=True):
        while num >= value:
            result += greek_numerals[value]
            num -= value
    return result

# Function to convert decimal numbers to Roman numerals
def decimal_to_roman(num):
    roman_numerals = {
        1: 'I',
        4: 'IV',
        5: 'V',
        9: 'IX',
        10: 'X',
        40: 'XL',
        50: 'L',
        90: 'XC',
        100: 'C',
        400: 'CD',
        500: 'D',
        900: 'CM',
        1000: 'M'
    result = ''
    for value in sorted(roman_numerals.keys(), reverse=True):
        while num >= value:
            result += roman_numerals[value]
            num -= value
    return result

You can call these functions with a decimal number as an argument, like this:

print(decimal_to_greek(1234)) # Output: 'ρκλδ'
print(decimal_to_roman(1234)) # Output: 'MCCXXXIV'

Note that these functions only work for decimal numbers up to 1000.